All growing described on this page is done using the Ebb and Flow system. The Ebb and Flow system is one of, if not the most popular hydroponic methods for growing weed. It is simple and easy to use.
It works like this: A reservoir containing nutrient solution is located below a growing tray. The tray contains the plants that are in containers with growing medium like rockwool.
The growing bed is filled with nutrient solution by a small pump on a timer to feed and water the plants. The timer then shuts the pump off and the nutrient solution drains freely back into the reservoir.
Ebb and Flow systems' are favored because of their low maintenance, high productivity, and ease of use. Ideal not only for the beginner, but for the advanced gardener as well.
Most, if not all the information presented can be adapted to work with other forms of hydroponic systems. For a description of hydroponic system types, check this page.
If you are going to be growing hydroponic marijuana, you need a hydroponic garden. You can make one yourself by using instructions you can find here. They are not hard to make and almost any building supply store should have the majority of stuff required.
If you would rather buy a unit, it may cost a little more but all parts will be included and you will save time by getting everything at once. I got an 11 plant unit for $150.00. US. You can probably find something just as good or better for less money on eBay.
If you use eBay or any other source that might leave a paper trail, you might want to have someone else order and have the items shipped to a house other than where the growing will take place. Be safe, even in areas where weed is tolerated or legal now, it may not be that way in the future. So don't leave a trail back to yourself.